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Welcome to

Quantum Materials Magneto-Transport Laboratory

Kaustuv Manna, (IIT Delhi)

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics

Office: MS - 430

            Department of Physics

            IIT Delhi

            Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

Lab: MS - 433

         Department of Physics

         IIT Delhi

         Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016



Tel: +91- 11-2659 1332 (Office)

       +91- 11-2659 6579 (Lab)

FAX: +91-11-2658 1114

Key Publication

Full list: (Nature portfolio- 18 (Nature-2, Nat. Phys-4, Nat. Commun-9, Nat. Rev. Mater.-1, NPG Asia Materials-1, npj Quantum Mater-1); Science portfolio-3 (Science-2, Sci. Adv.-1); Adv. Mater.-4, Chem. Rev.-1, Phys. Rev. X -1,  Phys. Rev. Lett.-2,  PNAS-1, , PRB-17)

Heusler, Weyl and Berry

Nat. Rev. Mater. 3, 244-256 (2018)

Topological chiral crystals with helicoid-arc quantum states

Nature 567, 500–505 (2019)

Discovery of topological Weyl fermion lines and drumhead surface states in a room temperature magnet

Science 365, 1278-1281 (2019)

Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet

Nature 604, 647–652 (2022)

Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal

Science 369, 179-183 (2020)

From Colossal to Zero: Controlling the Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Heusler Compounds via Berry Curvature Design

Phys. Rev. X 8, 041045

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